
I am as silly as a monkey in a tree

Like a cat with a ball of yarn

Ding  ding time to go


Per per hide away

Sneakily stalking others

Meow meow no got court


Dig dig dig

Making a burrow

Sniff sniff sniff

Twitching little noes

Bounce bounce bounce

Hop away


Six slithering snakes sliding on the sidewalk



Rough, fun

Tackling, diving,  catching

Wingers, dummy half, first receiver, first rowers

Blue, white, boys, girls

Practicing, running, catching

Scoring, marker



Sports is grate

Sports is fun

When u play lots

You have no time

Don’t like spelling

Don’t like school

Don’t like science

But i love sports

100 Word challenge

I woke up in a mysterious and dark place. I was so scared and it’s so quiet I can hear my heart beating faster and faster I start to here footsteps thump ,thump , thump the ground starts shaking I can’t see I’ve got to escape. Out of the corner of my eye there is a window I slowly walk over “Dam its locked.” There is a little bit of light, I see a chair and I’ve got an escape plan. I’m going to smash the window. The footsteps are getting louder and louder. I can do it. I can escape.